Monday, January 19, 2009

week 7

I am 7 weeks pregnant. Or, more accurately, I am IN my 7th week. Even though our baby is in his / her 5th week. Confusing, I know... I'm finally starting to get it. My last 1st post to this blog was rather negative. It was a venting session. Because I decided to make this blog public, I will leave all venting sessions regarding specific people out of this... I will, however, be frank and outright honest about what's going on with me and this pregnancy. From hemorrhoids to growing boobs, I'm going to talk about it all. Why not? It's all part of it - and it's the most natural thing in the world. It's how we all got here... all of our moms had to go through some of this stuff.
So, yes, my boobs are growing at an alarming rate. The worst part is the growing pains. I have to wear a bra to bed now or it hurts a lot more. I didn't wear one last night b/c I didn't have a clean one... big mistake. Ouch!
Another fun thing about being preggie is the nausea. Right now, not much sounds good to eat, but I'm hungry... I never fully understood that concept until now. I tried to have egg beaters for breakfast and they tasted a little like soap to me. So I just had toast. :o(
I can't complain though, because I haven't vomited once. This is my biggest fear, and so far I've been able to avoid it. I have been nauseous and I've gagged a few times, but no puking... That's what counts. haha!
I am so excited about this baby though. I can't wait to know if he or she is a he or a she (John wants to wait till he / she is born... I wanna know asap - More on that later, I'm sure). I can't wait to decorate the nursery. I can't wait to meet our little perfect girl / boy. The excitement is like no other. :o)

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