Sunday, January 25, 2009

beginning of week 8

I am really tired right now, but I wanted to write for some reason... John and I stayed up until 3am watching "The Office" last night. We were supposed to be going camping for the weekend, but... things didn't go as expected.
Have I mentioned I am emotional lately? Yesterday was an all-time hormonal extravaganza, filled with tears, gagging, and illogical thinking. It all started when we slept in until almost 2pm. Whoa. So, we still needed to pack, eat, and stop at the bike store for John on the way to Big Basin. And then John reminded me that I forgot and left Mary's wheelchair in my trunk. She might need it, and I don't work for another 5 days so we were going to need to drop that off at her place too! That was the last straw. I was mad. We were taking forever to pack, in my opinion, and we didn't know what we were going to take to eat, and I was a horrible planner and we weren't going to get there until after dark, and we still had 2 stops to make along the way. Besides all of this, I am constipated! So, whether I'm nauseous because of that or I am nauseous because of hormones, I felt gross and bloated. At this point, I was crying like someone had died. Then I realized that I couldn't find a card that I had purchased for John's mom and dad in Quebec. I wanted to mail it and I misplaced it. That was the ultimate last straw. I just lost it. I lay on the bed bawling like it was the worst day of my life. It wasn't. It was hormones. Hormones had taken me to the dark side.
So, John suggested we reschedule our camping trip, to which after crying about it because my plans didn't work out the way I'd hoped, I agreed. We called 4 different numbers (he called, because I couldn't stop crying) to try to cancel, with no luck. So I sent an email and I hope we at least get a refund for the second night...
Things got better after this. We went to the bike store and dropped a boatload of dinero for John's new bike. He got shoes, pedals, a helmet, a cage and water bottle, lights, bike shorts, and maybe something else but I forget. He was so excited. It was fun to see him like that. He's like a kid at Christmas and I am enjoying that thoroughly. We then picked up the best pizza ever (Applewood) and brought it home and watched The Office for hours. I attempted knitting and he worked on bike things. It was a great night.
Yes, I am trying to learn to knit. For some reason, I am quite motivated, although I am not a natural. I lately have this drive to be... creative. This includes a drive to cook good and healthy meals and to decorate. It's like all of the sudden I long to be a domestic diva. Never have I cared about that too much. Rachel was talking about cooking classes that she got for a birthday gift and that sounded fun to me. I saw Jen knitting and I wanted to be able to do it and so she showed me and let me use some needles and yarn and a book and I've been trying. And I am looking forward to moving to our new place in April so I can decorate it and make it homey. My mom used to say that hanging pictures, putting up curtains, things like that... makes your house a home. It makes it yours. I guess that's what I want to do. Make my house (apartment, because houses here in CA are outrageous) a home. For the baby. I want the baby to have stability. Healthy meals. Traditions. And I really want to make vegetable rattles for him or her. I will post a picture of those on here.
So now it's Sunday morning. We'll be going to church soon and then we'll probably come home and take a nap. That's my kind of sunday. John is off work tomorrow because we were going to be camping. He's still taking the day off. I'm so excited. Since I've been working Saturdays we have had 1 day weekends together. But this is a 3 day weekend together. I cherish times like this. Just John and me hanging out together for a few days. He's fun to do nothing with... and I NEVER get tired of him. I'm glad we are bringing our baby into a world where his or her parents love each other so much!

1 comment:

  1. Oh do I remember these times. As bad as they can sound at times I would never trade a day of these times. I went through this 4 times and they were always my happiest times. Can you believe it? But the wonder of new life was always the best high you could ever have.
