Tuesday, February 3, 2009

pregnant more than once?

I am lying in bed and I can't sleep, even though I'm tired. I think it's because I don't feel that good. I feel nauseous and my stomach hurts and I feel dizzy. The way I feel right now, I wonder if this will be my only pregnancy. I am logically aware that I could feel differently later. But right now I just feel like I absolutely don't want to go through this again. I'm so sick of feeling yucky. I am glad I'm pregnant. I always knew that eventually I'd have a baby and I wouldn't feel like I accomplished what I was here to do if I didn't. However, once I have this baby maybe that will be enough. I don't want to have an only child though - There are many babies who need families so adoption would be a great thing. For a long time I thought I'd be pregnant 2 times. Now, I'm really having doubts about that. I don't know. I want to be able to do this again, but - ugh. So far pregnancy is just not fun. It's fun thinking about the precious prize we'll get at the end of it, but the pregnancy itself sucks!!! I like to think I'm stronger than this, but I feel like I'm falling apart. I guess all I can do is pray I get through this one and then think about later - later. I need God's help on this, because I'm really struggling. And I feel guilty for even feeling this way. I feel like I should love being pregnant. But I don't. I hate it. Because I just feel crappy all of the time. Still, I want this baby. I just have to focus on that I guess.

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