So, the nausea is finally lessening. Thank Goodness! It's been fun and all, but I'm glad it's over. I still get somewhat grossed out when I smell certain things or even think of eating spinach or brussels sprouts. John and I went to the doctor today for my 2nd prenatal appointment. I've gained 3 pounds since the last visit. I guess that is ok. The main reason for this visit was to do an ultrasound so Dr. Deb could measure the baby and get a more specific due date. She said the due date was probably more like 9/11, but she left it as 9/13, as that is a better number. We'll see what happens. I'm kinda hoping for 9/9/09. :o)
Anyway, we saw our baby. We saw his/her hands and feet - and head. And he / she is moving around all on her own! (I'm going to say "she" for the sake of less typing now). It was the coolest thing ever to see. She was wiggling and squirming and turning, all on her own. It was surreal. Dr. Deb said in 2 more months I should be able to feel that wiggling and squirming, but now she's still too small to be able to feel that. She's about 2 inches long from head to rump. Just a little tiny wiggly thing. Aw!
John said he feels like he knows the baby already. He said he'll always remember the 1st time we saw our baby moving around. Our next appointment is April 3rd... Then just a couple weeks later I can start typing he OR she and know I'm typing the right thing. Today was definitely the coolest visit so far. :o)
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